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Mitsui Staci
Age: 18
Birthdate: July 4th
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Blue
Build: Fit, attractive in every sense of the word.
Complexion: Fair-skinned. Winter coloring.
Family: Father, mother, older brother.
Favorite Animal: Puppies
Seiyuu: Sakamoto Chika
Favorite Singers: TM Revolution and Curio

The star writer of The Phoenix School's paper, Staci is usually the one to relay any messages from Rina to Keiko, and is usually the one to receive any heat from Rina about the circumstance.

Staci is American, and her family moved to Japan and changed their last names.The boys find her large blue eyes to be extremely exotic and attractive, and Keiko is constantly nauseated at the fawning of the boys over her friend.

Staci is currently dating Anji, although she is kinda-sorta using him to get good material on the new headmaster. (Anji thinks he's using her to prove himself as not being gay.)


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